Sunday, June 3, 2012

Today was an attempt at doing more running. I copied Hal Higdon's marathon training program onto the calendar on my ipad and decided to try to keep up with it. The long miles on the weekend are pretty much  the same as they are on John Bingham's program, but the miles during the week are quite different.
The mid week running is 3 days in a row. The first 2 weeks are 3,3,3. I am doing my running days as Wed, Thur, Fri. long runs on Sunday.
After the first 2 weeks, the middle day of the mid week running days, start to be longer than the other 2 days. The longest running for mid week is 5, 10, 5 - that is a lot of running to do before work, but those days don't come until The beginning of September.
Anyway, so today i started Hal Higdon's plan which i thought was a 5 mile run. It is 2.5 from behind my house down to the library, so i decided to go down the hill, running as much as possible, to the library and there turn around and walk back up.
On the way down i did intervals walking anywhere from 3 - 4 minutes and then running from 2 - 4 minutes, with a final burst of 5 minutes at the end of the hill. Then i turned around and started back up. I actually 4 running intervals on the way back up, 2 -4 minutes each, and again a final 5 min stretch at the finish. I was glad to get some running done and for the most part my sore leg felt pretty good.
This afternoon and evening, it is sore and achey again. Hopefully by morning that will subside.
When i logged my mileage onto my ipad calendar, i realized that i was supposed to do 6 today instead of 5. I had planned on doing my last mile later in the day, but my leg started to ache, and my sciatic nerve being pinched really hurt today too, so i let the last mile go.

1 comment:

  1. good job! dont worry about that extra mile, in the big picture it is just one mile missed of many that you will run!!!!
    check with your chiropractor on your back. i dont think it should be bothering you!!! maybe that will help your leg also. you never can tell. good job on running a little. you are doing great!
