Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Did a mini brick today. Warm up was a short spin, 2 miles in 7:20 seconds.
Then went out in the morning. Pretty warm for February, 41 degrees. The sky was getting lighter at 6:30, and it was a great morning to run outside.
Had to call it short, 2.15 miles, and had to add walking breaks, 27 minutes total, due to a bad choice for dinner and GI issues.


  1. seriously! you have to watch what you eat for dinner!! you know better!! hahaha
    try grits the way i make them and a high protien low fat meat like shrimp or chicken then a good veggie like sweet potato or edamame. you will be amazed at the difference!!!!
    otherwise good job for getting out there and trying despite "issues" !!!
