Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last night was the weekly weigh in for WJ Biggest Loser and I was down 1.6 pounds, which is great until i realized I had worn jeans the first two weigh ins and last night i wore track pants in anticipation of going on their weekly walk. Well, i just weighed those two pairs of pants and the difference is 1 pound, that means i was only down .6 of a pound!! I will excuse myself this week because it was super bowl Sunday, and lots of fattening foods, but now, i need to exercise a little self control here!

Todays run was 4 miles in 44:45 min. on the treadmill. I did a one minute walk break at the 2.25 mile mark. Then some stretches for my sciatic nerve pain, which has been bothering me a lot this week.
That is why i did not go on the walk last nite with with Biggest Loser group - too much pain.
Can't wait for the sun to rise a little earlier so i can go do some of my morning runs outside.

1 comment:

  1. great times mic! you are doing awesome. i am glad to see you are being careful while in pain! dont worry about the weight.. i am sure you are eating healthy and cutting out most sweets.. the weight will come off!
    wont be long before the sun is up by 5! think of how long and hard you could run then!!! :):)
