Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday's long run was a bit of a tough one. It was a 5 miler outside.
All thermostats said that the temperature was 24 degrees, but it seemed warmer. I wore tights and one long sleeved cold weather shirt. One with a 1/4 zipper in front, thumbholes in the sleeves and soft moisture wicking on the inside, a regular baseball hat and no gloves. I was already sweating by the first mile, so I stayed on the shady side of the streets as much as possible.
I started with 8/1 intervals, but by the mid point of this loop, i was already running out of steam, so i shortened my running intervals to 6/1 and continued that for the rest of the way. 6/1 works out much better for me right now, although i have 2 long term goals: running halfs at an 8/1 interval for a while, then i really want to be able to run the whole 13.1 without walking intervals at all.

This 5.1 mile loop started at Bingham Creek Library in West Jordan, running up a bit of a hill for the first .5, then it flattens out for the rest of the distance. There never seems to be downhill, so somewhere it must do a gradual slope back down. This loop has 4 streets i can run down to turn around, each being 1/2 mile apart so i can do loops in distances of 3,4,5 or 6 miles from this same starting point. That is convenient. I do pass 6 churches on the 5 mile loop, and if i am running on Sunday at a time close to 9:00am or 11:00am, it can get dangerous as there are always people late for church who do not want to wait for a runner on Sunday and they will cut me off if i am crossing their path. I have had to stop in the crosswalks or by driveways on a number of occasions to avoid being plowed down.

My time on this run was 58 minutes, for 5.1 miles. Not impressive, but definitely not my worst.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a good work out! you never can tell the weather. ours started cold with a lightweight fleece over a base tank, but then i got sweaty and had to take the fleece off.. it was still a little cool for just a base tank, but it worked ok, for me better to be a little cold than too hot! i admire your intervals even 6/1 is good. i am still at 2+/1 cant seem to pick that up. that is my goal for this week on my weekday runs, to lengthen my intervals. i have a 5k in about 2 weeks. i need to pick up the pace now for that.
    you are doing awesome!!!!! remember walking is not bad!!
    keep up the posts.
