Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sand Hollow Reservoir 5 mile run!
The weather was beautiful, 38 and clear, crisp and sunny. The water was dark blue, the rocks surrounding the small reservoir were deep red. Beautiful.
For this race there are two distances you can run, 10 miles or 5 miles. Both distances start at the same time in the same place and all runners head out across the damn and turn onto the road that circles the reservoir. There are 2 turnaround locations, one at 2 1/2 miles and one at 5 miles. It's an out back course so you cross the damn twice.

Very fun race, organized by local runners in Hurricane, Utah. A couple hundred people from  all over Utah come down to St George to run this race. I plan on doing it again next year.
My goal was to finish and not be last, hopefully in under an hour,  and not get passed by too many people doing the 10 mile race.
Well my time was 57:41 - Yeah!! I was 3rd out of 5 in my age group - Yeah!! And the first person to cross the finish line out of the 10 mile racers, finished 30 seconds behind me - Yeah!!!!
So it was a great finish for me, and my second race is done for the Runner's Series for the Marathon.
That was all i needed, so my spot should be officially reserved - Yeah!! and Yikes!!!


  1. Great pictures and description. Sounds like it was a wonderful race. So proud of you on your time!!! You did awesome. Look at us go!!!!! who says 50(+) is old???? You ROCK!!! keep up the good work!!!

  2. 50 is just the start of the second half of life! Not a time to start going downhill!
